[ Client Work ]
New logo and signage for the CRYP annual graffiti jam
A project for the Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP)

- Creative Strategy
- Branding
- Print Design
- Digital Design
The annual Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP) RedCan Graffiti Jam brings together Native American graffiti artists from across the country to celebrate Lakota culture, create art in the community and support CRYP’s programs for local Lakota youth in Eagle Butte, South Dakota.
Each year, a graffiti artist from the community creates a unique logo and artwork specific to that year for use on t-shirts and promotional materials. This artwork gives each year a distinct look and feel, becoming a treasured commemorative keepsake for that year.
But CRYP recognized they also need an “evergreen” event logo for signage and other materials that can be reused year after year for efficiency and cost savings. CRYP also wanted to increase awareness and visibility for the event around their campus and in the community.

Our Solution
We worked with CRYP to plan how the evergreen brand would be used and in what contexts, taking care to allow it to blend with and take a back seat to the annual branding and graffiti art created by the artists themselves.
We determined which signage, digital assets and materials needed the evergreen logo how the brand would work across materials. We then designed and managed printing for a variety of materials from 10′ vinyl banners to free-standing poster signs, flyers and digital assets for use on CRYP’s website, emails and social media posts.